How to Bring More Flow into your Everyday Life


Hello beautiful souls 💖

Ever feel like your mind is wanting to CONTROL outcomes or trying to "make" things happen? Yeah, well me too. I  don't necessarily plan these solo shares and just wait for a nudge from spirit. This episode is a message that really wanted to come through as it has been a repeating theme popping up in multiple places 🌀

If you're like me in the sense that a good bit of energy naturally goes into "trying to figure things out"- this is for us!

I have been invited lately to drop into my heart more than ever. My mind is a busy place & can have me running in circles honestly. Chasing my tail & this creates tension & contraction which is the opposite energy of flow & receptivity.  Neither are "good" or "bad" just maybe out of balance at times with the tendency to be in illusion that I can MAKE this happen. When all that does is wear me out and leave tension in my body.

Come along for my sharing on a few SIMPLE ways to let go of control- drop into the heart & trust that our soul is orchestrating so beyond what our thinking mind is even capable of doing.

Sending big heart opening, nervous system regulating hugs to you💗


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