Hi friend! I’m Renee, a podcaster, artist, intuitive, healer & a mom that advocates microdosing 🍄 for mental health. I am for sure a spiritual, creative type- lol. Multi-passionate and motivated by self healing, growth and continuing to evolve as this single point of light in these exciting times to be alive. I have been a yoga instructor, successful mom-entrepreneur in an MLM, a soul purpose coach, human design guide- it’s been an eventful journey to end up in the middle of life and finally feeling deep soul alignment with my own purpose. 

I get to be that example of living as a spontaneous in the moment presence - it’s ok to change course & your mind. You don’t need permission to follow your own inner truth & instincts. The art of living is one big tapestry you get to create & color in!

One constant thread is my passion for helping others see themselves & their one of a kind uniqueness and to release their frequency out into the world.  

I am here to help blaze a trail deeper within ourselves that reveals our innate sacred gifts- reclaims the fierce little creative being you always have been and will always be.

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