



Creativity ↠ Intuition ↠ Healing ↠ Transformation ↠

Hi! I am so grateful you are here! 

I am all about supporting your creative transformation. Whether using your voice, creating an artistic vision, or however shining your brightest unapologetic self looks right now.

Are you ready for it? This is a safe space to dive deep into our inner sparkly self, blaze a trail within, and reconnect to our deepest joy.

We are connecting to the light of source with us and our guiding voice of intuition to release patterns of self abandonment & dimming to fit in.

AND it’s gonna be LIT- FUN - choose your adventure style.

Share your uniqueness- YOUR artful ways.

Let’s do this!

We are ALL more than capable of being untethered creative forces of light! We are this light just being alive. Inside of each of us is a self-inspired inner baddie- yep, your inner child knows what’s up. They want to create, explore, & manifest FUN. Somewhere along the way, most of us start hiding or even abandoning these sacred aspects of self. We needed to be accepted, pleasing to others, paid attention to & loved. We were in survival mode and being “too much” was not safe. So, we conformed and soldiered on into adults.

Here’s the thing…these instincts are still very much a part of us and they have the capacity to heal. So many are living uninspired - even depressed lives not ever knowing what happened & how they got into this feeling state. 

This is a safe (no-judgement) space for uplifting, healing & transformation. 

Permission to play, rest & reflect. To be inspired as the innately creatively bright light you are & always will be!

Let’s uncover that inner sparkle, nourish creativity & soften the voice of our inner critic.